If you could spend a life as a color, which would you most likley come as?

Sunday, February 3

Ignore this post

Light touches, all in mind, all in spirit.

Why can i not seem to write a story, why is it always these short little nonsences. I am in a better mood, but i have no words to convay it. I wish there were a story to write, or a flashfiction with an actual plot, however my mind ust wont accept this yet.

I have to go through every feeling i have had since i have stopped writing and write it out, or think it out before i can get proper words to form in the sence of my norm. I dont wnathis: tto change my style away from novel. I dont want to go to poetry, i have alreay finished that phase and i wnat to write in the form i enjoy reading so that i can create books that i would want to read.

Ahh well. All you get today is this:

Light touches, in mind and spirit.
Gladdining occurances pressing my way.
However they are not the kind to stay,
joyful bliss in anothers life,
causes windows of happyness for me.
GLad for a friend, but still yelling for free.
There is an ever going arguement inside me,
and i can do nought but toss it aside.
Until i write it out, i can not say goodbye.

sry but im not editing this at all.... i just had to type it out.

Someone save me from the little world of barly no torture that i cannot seem to cope with...

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My Favorites

Hi! This is Ivy and I want to let you know My Favorites:
30 Through a thought----------4 The Dreamer
31 Your Sound------------------15 So You Know
-----------------------------------20 Letting Go
5 The Life of a Soul-------------28 Somewhere you only go
20 Living Death--------------------after ten or think of going
---------------------------------------after ten o’clock at night.
7 To Fade Into Smoke-------------coming in Aug...